Trademark Classes In Nigeria

Trademark Classes In Nigeria

  The Trade Marks Act; Chapter 436; Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990 provides for Trademarks and Patents in Nigeria. A trademark is a symbol or a sign which differentiates the goods and services of one business from another one. You can register your...
3 Things to Consider When Acquiring Art

3 Things to Consider When Acquiring Art

There are various reasons why people buy art, it could be for investment, for some because they are collectors, while for others because they are art enthusiasts and sometimes even for emotional reasons, for instance when the buyer is drawn to what is depicted by the...
What Nigeria’s Public Sector needs

What Nigeria’s Public Sector needs

Corporate Governance is a big deal in the private sector today, stakeholder and shareholder interests are constantly at daggers drawn, accountability and transparency are now mandatory values in corporate institutions and effectiveness in managing organisational...